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    gaysouthafrica forums
    Wax Intellectual
        Drug use in South Africa (esp Gay Clubs)
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Registered: Dec. 2001
   Click Here to See the Profile for Dracon   Edit/Delete Message      Reply with Quote  
Where’s the harm reduction in South African gay clubs? Can a “gay club owners society” be so closed minded – why are they turning a blind eye to drug usage in the clubs? As an previous staunch Anti-drug user that have enlightened  by knowledge. I know that a decent “harm reduction” program or  “safe settings” standards in clubs are basically non-existent in South Africa.

Once again it seems that most gay clubs are there just to rip-off the gay people in their community.   People use drugs and no matter what you do people will continue to use drugs – strip search them – are you going to reduce drug usage? – NO you will be moving it to the street! (in front of the club). Why do you have to pay so much for water? (even tap water you need to pay for – if you  order it from a bar!)

South Africa has the drug sense par to people wanting to ban condoms to stop the spreading of Aids!

What do you think???

Don’t let drugs do you

Posted at: 1:44 pm on Dec. 10, 2001    Report this post to a Moderator | IP: Logged


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Registered: Sep. 2001
   Click Here to See the Profile for topkapi      Edit/Delete Message            Reply with Quote  
I whole-heartedly agree with you - the club owners here are simply after your money, and possibly even dealing to their clientele to turn a profit. Memories of the Akwa Incident come to mind.

For what it's worth, if anyone opens a club that plays music with words in, and can assure me of safe passage to the toilets without being accosted by "hey bru, I've got some smack here that you'll love", I'm there. It can't be that hard, can it?

Posted at: 3:01 pm on Dec. 11, 2001    Report this post to a Moderator | IP: Logged


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   Click Here to See the Profile for Sombil      Edit/Delete Message      Reply with Quote  
Yes isn't it a shame. But it is the same and I suspect probably much worse here in the U.S.A., probably also in Europe & Asia. Why do we let ourselves be taken advantage of by these financial predators? Is it possibly part of our "collective psyche" a
type of "oppressed subculture
syndrome?"---Anyone want to volunteer to teach this "Afrikaanerophile" the language....:-)TextTextText

My Heart Was Stolen
And Smuggled To Cape Town.  ;-)

Posted at: 3:22 pm on Jan. 12, 2003    Report this post to a Moderator | IP: Logged


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Registered: Feb. 2002
   Click Here to See the Profile for guzzy   Edit/Delete Message      Reply with Quote  
Yes, I agree. It is the same here in London. Drugs are widely available and in part it is due to the dealers and big suppliers that promote it and keep it alive but of course we all have a choice so demand and supply applies. Saying no is a choice albeit difficult one once one has experimented.

Posted at: 3:27 pm on July 16, 2004    Report this post to a Moderator | IP: Logged

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