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Registered: Feb. 2004
   Click Here to See the Profile for Leatha   Edit/Delete Message      Reply with Quote  
What has happened to Gay publications (News Paper/Magazines) in South Africa? We live in one of the few countries in the world where a constitution protects gay civil rites, equality before the law, and freedom of speech and freedom of association. We have a vibrant culture, dedicated and qualified LGBT organizations making sure that our rites stay protected and where there is still no equality they vigilantly address the issues.
YET we only have one national gay newspaper and one magazine-inGuateng any way. (I am an avid reader of both, have been for years.) BUT come on we need more variety. South Africa has not even got its own porn magazines not to mention so called “soft porn” magazines here even our Hetro friends out sine us. I am in the planning stages of starting a gay publication (News Paper/Magazine) and I am aware of the time, effort and financial implication connected to such a venture. Thus my reason for this ad. Any person with similar views, wishes and projects ideas lets chat and see if we can pull resources and knowledge to once again have a few gay publications in SA.I can be reached e-mail or on .

Posted at: 7:07 am on Feb. 7, 2004    Report this post to a Moderator | IP: Logged


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Registered: Mar. 2004
   Click Here to See the Profile for LFTMCT   Edit/Delete Message         Reply with Quote  
I too am not really in favour of our current gay magazine / newspapers.  If it isnt a wank mag , its a half assed newspaper with more advertising and no content. Same goes for the Gay times - what a sad excuse for a magazine..
I too have started writing  a web journal about my social circle- including issues related to gay experiences in a very Carey Bradshaw style which is starting to attract few gay  and straight followers. Im really dying for new publications and wish you the best of luck.

Posted at: 7:10 pm on Mar. 16, 2004    Report this post to a Moderator | IP: Logged


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Registered: April 2004
   Click Here to See the Profile for Gav      Edit/Delete Message      Reply with Quote  
I would like to bring it to yor attention that there exists a GAY NEWSPAPER.  DETAIL NEWSPAPER Please visit there website @

I hope that this will satisfy ya.

Posted at: 2:13 am on April 11, 2004    Report this post to a Moderator | IP: Logged

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